Saturday, July 31, 2010


With the demolition completed inside, the walls are starting to go up.

The range is in, Eric is working on fixing the depth of the cabinet and installing the microwave hood.

The opening from the kitchen to the living room, looking at the newly framed living/dining room.
AFTER - the stairwell is now part of the living room space. Eventually we'll install a handrail across the opening.
The three big trees in the back have been trimmed up and we actually found a fence back there. Now if I could just convince Stanley to let me borrow the Cyclone concrete drop hammer, we could get rid of the basketball court.
No more lower deck. It had completely rotted out and I was tired of getting my foot stuck everytime I walked across. Unfortunately, we also found that the vertical supports for the upper deck are also rotted. We had hoped to salvage them but they will need to be replaced along with the decking.

AFTER - the cedar tree came down. The neighbors gathered on the curb to watch. We have expected some tree hugger to run out but it came down with only a few grumbles. And low and behold now we have a lawn and a japanese maple! And you can see the house. We also took out a lot of the other trees and bushes. You can actually see the house now.

BEFORE - where's the house?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Terrene is official! It has a logo and a facebook fan page. I am working on the website and possible gallery placement. More soon.....

Monday, July 26, 2010

Uncle Eric and Aunt Lissa

Our trip to Raleigh was short but sweet. I'm a little out of order in posting these but thought they were worth showing.

Uncle Eric decided that kids might be kind of cool, especially their toys.

Neither the 3 year old or the 30 year old could figure it out.

Don't wake the sleeping giant. Of course Eric was less than kind and pinched its butt.

My new name. Aunt Miss Lissa

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Let the demolition begin!

The first rip. We each chose a part of the house that we have been waiting to get rid of. Eric chose the backsplash. What? You don't like burgundy?

Remember that wall in the living room between it and the stair?

The wall is no more. And neither is the wall to the garage.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

And so it begins.

We closed on Monday and the adventures have already begun. One of the subcontractors has already gone on permanent vacation after 1 day of work. Got to love that. Oh, and our lawn is a LITTLE overgrown.

At the new place.
Popping the champagne on the upper deck.

A toast.

Demolition of the stairway/garage wall with garage door opener above.

How convenient, I can now pull my car in and drop the groceries into the lower level, no pesky door to get in the way.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Transom LLC is up and running.

Transom LLC now has a logo, a trailer, and shortly, a website!

Monday, July 5, 2010

July 4th!

The Stotler's and the Days' celebrated the 4th with food, drink, and more food. And there was some berry picking. Just a little. 5 lbs later....



and more twins. Ok, this was weird. And no, we didn't plan it. I mean how many people actually purchase shirts in bright yellow. Evidently, two.

Flaming dragon.

Bunch of pyros.