Saturday, October 8, 2011

Landscaping Progress

20 cubic yards and going....the cleanup is in progress, complete with a dingo. No that isn't a slang term, it's a mini bobcat. Whatever, it moves soil. That's all I care about.

Remember the piles? All gone now from the back. Envision ferns and hosta.

Pipe to be fixed. Swale is started. All the water in the back to pool into this area that will be covered in river rock. A retention basin if you will. Our massive grasses that were split up will line the swale and I'm doing a succulent mound on the left. Can't you just see it now?

Who knew there was a plant bed there? Grasses were burlapped and will be moved. Japanese maple is relocated over here now.

Dumpster #3 and Eric's portable sign. That doesn't leave a hole in the ground.

Japanese maple is dug up to be relocated. Soil was removed. Monday starts infill with topsoil and rock spreading. See that big pile on the driveway? Oh, and digging up the whole lawn and reseeding.

1 comment:

The Old Days said...

Wow what a transformation! Now on one of those "half full" days all you need to do is look around, pat yourselves on the back for all you have and continue to accomplish, and relish in the pride of a job well done as you see that glass fill to "full"! You two are an amazing and talented couple.