Saturday, March 29, 2008

Cooking Classes

Eric and I branched out and tried something new....attempting a cooking class at Sur La Table yesterday evening and had a great time. Learned how to cook thai food the right way and where to get fresh ingredients here locally like kaffir lime leaf...I would recommend it to anyone.

Minnie at work

Can you believe this is Minnie at 12 weeks?

And now at 5.5 mos....

This is my comments about the messiness. There is order in the disorder and a method to the piling. Did you know that pilers are actually more effective organizers?

This is the puppy play pen, aka doggie jail, behind my desk. And yes, that is a reconstructed modular closet system. We'll see how long it lasts. Minnie has already figured out how to escape by pushing on the corners and collapsing it. We had to reinforce for shear forces.

Enjoying the sun on my many carpet square samples. I've been put in charge of office redecoration and I couldn't make up my mind on the samples. We decided that we'd go with which ever one Minnie laid on or peed on first.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Eric's Cabinent

Easter Sunday

A day of rest....After many long weeks and a marathon quarter for both of us and the animals, Easter Sunday was a day to relax. We're hoping this quarter is a little easier on the schedule but aren't overly hopeful.

We had a huge breakfast so a nap was much needed.

A very beautiful bouquet arrived on Friday to brighten up the rain. Yes, surprise, it is raining. Again.
A sort of still of Minnie. This is very hard to get. She moves, a lot.

I thought since I can't get a clear picture of her, you could enjoy a very riveting video of her chewing her bone. And sorry, it's sideways.

How much more exciting can it get? Hey, we have to compete somehow with all the baby videos.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spring Break!!

We've been a little out of commission lately with a ton of stuff going on. I was on a marathon pitch effort that ended (well) on Friday and Eric and I are looking forward to some time off this week. Look for more pictures soon. Some new developments........

-Roxi and Minnie are becoming better friends, they kiss hello when Minnie comes home
-Minnie has started losing her puppy teach, thank god. No more needles
-Eric has made a cabinet. Look for pictures soon.
-Melissa begins teaching in 2 weeks. Yikes.